Technical features:
A distinctive feature of this stand is the ability to test injectors and fuel injectors of the Common Rail system without the need for retrofitting. Switching from the injector diagnostics mode to the fuel injector diagnostics mode is performed automatically by the control electronics. It is not necessary to install a master fuel injector to test the injector.
The Diesel Easy Modern combines two independent stands. It is a fully automatic fuel stand for diagnostics of high-pressure pumps and testing of Common Rail injectors, including Piezo, of all manufacturers such as Bosch, Delphi, Denso, Siemens (VDO/Continental), Caterpillar.
Two power units 4 kW and 7.5 kW;
Two independent fuel circuits;
Operating pressures up to 2400 bar;
Measurement system with high accuracy;
Unique Diesel Easy software with test plan database;
Coding of Bosch (IMA,ISA), Denso (QR), Delphi (C2I, C3I), Siemens (IIC) injectors;
Automatic testing of electromagnetic and piezoelectric injectors, possibility of injectors diagnostics in manual mode;
Possibility to test 4-pin CRIN 4.2 injectors, as well as Denso I-ART injectors;
Testing of high-pressure pumps of Common Rail systems;
Testing of cargo injectors;
Multilevel system of test fluid filtration to increase the service life of the stand’s hydraulic and measuring systems;
Flexible system of report editing, storage and systematization.
The price of the equipment includes a license for Diesel Easy software for 250 working days of the stand.
Warranty 1 year.
More information:
Bench dimensions: Д x В x Ш: 1200 x 1500 x 800;
Article: DE.1.019.2
Full description